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[Swift] Enum with Reusable VC

by Callie_ 2023. 10. 10.

⚙️ Setting

- iOS 16 ↑
- Swift vesrion 5.9
- Xcode version 15

🔖 Background Info

- During the development of my first app, Zickwan, I encountered a challenge: the UI design and features of the writing and editing view controllers were identical. Creating two separate view controllers wasn't ideal for efficient memory management.



✏️ Steps

- To achieve reusable views, enums proved to be a valuable tool. Here are the steps to make views reusable using enums.



1. Define TransitionType with an enum: Enum cases represent different roles when switching between views. In my case, I established roles for adding and editing.


enum TransitionType: String {
    case add
    case edit



2. Declare the type in the initial ViewController: The initial view controller, by default, will be for adding. This is achieved by declaring the type as .add.


var type : TransitionType = .add



3. Utilize a switch statement to separate functions: The switchingData() function uses the type enum to execute specific actions based on whether it's an add or edit scenario.


func switchingData() {
        switch type {
        case .add:
        case .edit:




✅ Enum

- Enumerations (Enum)?


Enumerations (Enums) are a powerful feature in Swift, defining a type for a group of related values. They offer several benefits:


1. Compile-time Error Recognition:

Errors are identified at compile time, enhancing the robustness of the code.


2. Reduction of Human Errors:

Enums help minimize mistakes by providing a clear set of options.


3. Narrowing Down Value Selections:

By defining specific values, enums guide and limit the selection of options.


4. Forcing Selections Among Limited Values:

Enums encourage developers to choose from a predefined set of values, contributing to code consistency.








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